
— Sports Activities (Inside/Outside college) 2017-18 (5.3.3)

K. 1 District Cycling Competition 12-8-2017

K. 2 State Level Cycling Championship 13-14-08-2017

K. 3 Northzone Interuniversity Volleyball Championship 24.8.2017

K. 4 District Level Khel Mahakumbh Competition 26-09 to 03-10.2017

K. 5 State Level Cycling Championship 29 -09 to 1-10, 2017

K. 6 Intercollege wrestling Championship (5th _ 6th Oct. 2017)

K. 7 State level khel Mahakumbh Competitions (15th Oct. to18th Oct. 2017)

K. 8 Inter-college 55th Annual Athletic meet of k.u.k(3rd Nov. to 5th Nov. 2017)

K. 9 K.U Inter-collegiate Badminton Championship (10th Nov. to 13 Nov. 2017)

K. 10 K.U Inter-collegiate Lawn Tennis Championship(11-11-2017 to 12-11-2017)

K. 11 North Zone Inter-university Tennis Championship (1-12-2017 to 4-12-2017)

K. 12 All India Inter-university Archery Championship (4-12-2017 to 22-12-2017)_

K. 13 Senior State Level Volley ball Competition 8 to 10 .12.2017_

K. 14 Senior State Level Track Cycling Championship 18 to 20.12.2017

K. 15 North Zone Inter-university Handball Championship (22-12-2017 to 25-12-2017)

K. 16 K.U Inter-collegiate Cycling Track Champioship (24-12-2017 to 25-12-2017)

K. 17 All India Inter-university Archery Championship (26-12-2017 to 31-12-2017)_

K. 18 National Track Cycling Championship (2nd Jan.to 6th Jan. 2018)

K. 19 20th National Youth Volleyball Championship 2 to 7.1.2018

K. 20 34th Annual Athletic Meet at the Institution (26th to 27th Feb. 2018)

K. 21 Inter-college Archery Championship (05-03-2018)

K. 22 K.U Inter-collegiate Handball championship (11-03-2018 to 13-03-2018)

K. 23 2nd Intercollege State Volleyball Championship (13th march to 16th march 2018)

K. 24 K.U Inter-collegiate Volleyball Championship (19th March to 21st March 2018)